Saturday, November 3, 2012

To Verona and back, and everything in between!‏


Famiglia mia!!
I love you!! Can I just start off by saying that!!!! Families are so important... do you know that ;) ? Guys the work goes on here in Milano! I swear it sorta feels like we are barley keeping our heads out of the water because there is just sooo much to do and so many peoples schedules to juggle and then still somedays when everything falls through so we are out knocking doors and talking to people in parks!
This week was really great. We had stake conference and it was sooo cool! Saturday there was a special women conference and we got to go... cuz 4 of our investigators came! Guess who spoke: Sorella Nelson, Yep, Russell M. Nelsons Wife! It was incredible. She talked to the sisters about Becoming Holy Women. She encouraged us to remember who we are and that Heavenly Father loves us. She challenged each woman to pick one thing in their lives and try for 3 days to do it as a Holy woman would do! I still gotta pick my thing... there are just too many I got to improve! But I will let you know how it goes. But it was really neat to listen to her and the wives of some other authorities. Sunday we had Stake conference and it was equally as cool. Elder Kearon and Rasband were here so we got to listen to them and their wives. They split the stake and talked about how this division is really just a multiplication! The church is growing in ITALY... WOOT WOOT!
Monday night I got to go back to Verona!!! YES! it was the craziest thing ever. I felt like I had never left and we got to stop by pizza love to get dinner! They are the best. Made me free pizza and gave me their new t-shirt! I went back to renew my permesso.... the thing that lets me stay in italy... we did that early tuesday morning and then got to walk around until our train left back for Milan. A neat little miracle happened on the train when we were going to Verona. Before heading out I prayed we would have the chance to teach someone on the train. As we boarded the train we walked through about 5 cars until we found somewhere to sit, right accross from a woman sitting alone. Litterally the minute we sat down my companion started talking to her. She was going to Verona as well. We ended up talking to her for the ENTIRE 2 hours. She asked about everything and we covered both the restoration and the piano! It was crazy! In the end she wouldn't give us her number, but I happened to have an opuscolo and a passalong card with the verona info in it. She said she would read it and pray and thanked us for all we said because she agreed with it! It was such a neat experience!
We are still busy as always helping the wonderful women of Milano! We were able to set some baptismal dates this week too! I AM SOOO EXCITED!! I feel like the most blessed missionary alive! It is so neat to work with these women. So many of them just feel like they are nothing. It breaks my heart. Many feel like the mistakes they have made in the past make it so they are not worth anything. THATS WHERE THE GOSPEL COMES IN!!! The knowlege of who we REALLY are is sooo important. And that no matter what, thanks to the ATONEMENT we can repent! I am soooo grateful for a Savior who died that that we can change. It is real.... that is all there is to it!
Well I have to run, I feel like thats all I do these days! I hope you have a wonderful week and know how much I love and miss you all!
sorella Nilson

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