Friday, April 30, 2010


I made it safe and sound to Italy. But is wasn't without many an adventure! I flew from texas to the Paris airport- let me tell you that airport is the biggest thing in the World! I started out walking from my terminal and when I finally got to my plane after an hour of walking and riding a bus I got to my plane to pisa with only 10 minutes to spare! The flight to Pisa was short and then I got my bags and stuff at the Pisa airport.

So Here begins my Italian adventure! I was in the Airport for approximately 7 hours while waiting for the other members of my group to arrive. I spent the time reading, writing, and ordered food for the first time! It was a bad experience, since I ordered "Prato" which is basically an egg salad sandwhich with gallons of mayo, ham, and cheese. I didn't realize what I was ordering and it was disgusting!

Finally, my groupies arrived and we went to our little bed and breakfast. The 5 of us shared a room together! We went out to dinner that night and had our first real italian pizza! It was so delicious! Well the margherita pizza was (cheese) the pizza with anchiovies and moldy cheese was pretty much vile!

The next morning we woke up and went to the Piazza dei meracoli. We saw the leaning tower of Pisa in real life!! It is probably a gajillion times cooler when you are actually there! I of course took a picture of me holding it up!

Then we went back to meet our group at the airport and begin our journey to Siena! 3 trains and a taxi later, we made it! I am now here in Siena! I can't even believe I am here! It is so beautiful and old! Every where you look there is something amazing to see! I love the piazza del campo! I wish we had more piazzas in America!

I have eaten pizza and gelato galore already! It is best here! Simply divine! Today we took a tour of our school the Dante Aligheri Institute and have the rest of the day to explore! I'll let you know what we do!

I am so excited to be here and will fill this blog with all my adventures! Miss you all, love you all, and wish you were here!

Ciao for now!